Middle-earth fans, rejoice! The Lord of the Rings: A new and highly interesting era in Tolkien’s world is opened by the War of the Rohirrim. Kenji Kamiyama’s animae master work tells the story of Rohan and the legendary king whom the name Helm Hammerhand reflects. This movie is to be released in action packed mixed with emotional and fabulous picture perfect drama.
Who Was Helm Hammerhand?
Most of the people know Helm Hammerhand throughout the history of Rohan. This film tells of his ascension to the presidency at a time of upheaval and shows how his presidency began.

The story shows him continuing to fight for his realm and the building of Helm’s Deep fortification from The Two Towers. It is due to many obstacles and achievements that Helm stands as one of the most symbolically powerful characters of Middle-earth for all his flaws and follies.
A Feast for the Eyes The Lord of the Rings
First of all let’s discuss the beautiful look of The War of the Rohirrim.The artistic director of this animated feature is Kenji Kamiyama who uses classical techniques of drawing on paper and at the same time magnificent staking by means of computer technologies. Closer attention to why this world looks as it is will reveal that the detailing is impeccable creating the feel of Tolkien’s universe. In fact the well-photographed scenes whether of the rural environments or the assault of war can only be considered masterpieces.
The Heart of the Story The Lord of the Rings
In general this movie is about something which is deeper as compared to the simple action of fighting the battle and being brave. This is a tale of Kenyan family boss both inspiring and authoritative and the life every Kenyan should strive to live. This combined with strong imagery of Helm Hammerhand having spirit and body of a warrior king deeply troubled by the burden of kingship gives the character great depth. His family mostly and those people who are the close associates of the main character give emotion and make the story more interesting.
Themes That Resonate
Just like any other Tolkien movie The Lord of the Rings The War of the Rohirrim features more profound lessons such as bravery hope and togetherness in the vicinity of dangers. Audience simply forget about the fact that nothing can stop main characters when they have desire and strength to act. All these messages are as timely as they were in the works of Tolkien which makes it universal.
Music That Transports You
So if no Middle-earth adventure promises to be complete without stunning music. I think Bear McCreary did a magnificent job of referencing Shore’s score and combining it with memorable and thrilling music. The music rises perfectly with every scene covering the solace of a character up to the charge of the battle. Alongside outstanding voice cast the sound work takes the movie to the whole new level.
Why You Should Watch It
In this post I will guide you through an exciting animation journey regardless of if you are a long-time Tolkien lover or simply interested in Middle-earth by creating an over-arching and engaging cinematic experience for the one-shot film The Lord of the Rings ‘The War of the Rohirrim’. It’s a first for them and a very good origin story that adds depth to Rohan and does not deviate far from the feel of Tolkien’s universe. The locations of strong acting appealing action scenes and heart make getting the film etched into your memory.